We provide a range of services to residents and holidaymakers across the Costa Brava region

We look for opportunities to help, we ask and listen to your concerns and find people to deliver the service that meets your needs

This is not an exhaustive list if you need help or know someone who needs it, even beyond the areas listed below, please do get in touch as we can probably find a solution even if it means putting you in touch with other local contacts

Liaison with funeral directors, hospital and family members to facilitate funerals here or UK. Organising with authorities repatriation of deceased. Liaison with religious and faith organisations for pastoral support
Information on: Where to access foodbanks. The availability of Government support for reducing energy bills or payments. Agencies that may be able to help and other financial support available for living costs
Short term household help with chores, food preparation, shopping, pets and around the garden or property Home visits for housebound or reduced mobility. Liaison with social services, medical professionals, health services and other agencies.
Providing information on other support agencies. Information gathering for specific problems or issues. Tourist information
Liaison with lawyers, gestors and notaries. Support with prison services. Liaison and assistance with police matters
Accompanied hospital, medical or dentistry visits. Hospital visiting for those without family in attendance. Organising transport to and from hospital appointments
In person, on the telephone or written translation services
Providing transport to appointments when someone is incapacitated in the short term. Transport to and from local events for the elderly and incapacitated on a more regular basis.
Assistance with applications eg TIE, NIE, Driving licences. Liaison with various government departments relating to residency or repatriation. Support with issues with authorities on behalf of residents or holidaymakers